New to fertility awareness
or needing to make a switch?

the dream team
Emily has learned 3 fertility awareness methods, is now a devoted Marquette user, and has 2 surprise babies. Mary is an adoptive momma, is infertile, suffers from endometriosis, and is a Creighton Practitioner.
What on earth would prompt these two to co-found an organization together when they’re on opposite ends of the fertility spectrum?
FAbM Base is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation, and our mission is made possible only with your support. You can donate directly*, or shop our merchandise.
*All direct donations are tax deductible.
"FAbM Base is a great resource for women and couples to engage in the use of fertility awareness by finding community and necessary resources along their reproductive health journeys. In a culture that tells us sex and babies don't go together and fertility awareness is only starting to gain attention, this resource will allow users a safe space to learn, discern, and ask questions without finding themselves met with disbelief or lack of help. FAbM Base is an excellent tool that is very needed in the space and practice of fertility awareness and it requires your help to make it a reality!”
BRIDGET BUSAKERFounder, Managing Your Fertility
"I'm a male religious who regularly ministers to young women, and am so thankful for FAbM Base as a resource. Emily and Mary provide a faithful, feminine approach to women's issues; integrating their lived Catholic faith with fertility awareness. FAbM Base presents authentic Catholic teaching on fertility and sexuality as life-giving. In today's world, that's essential."
Father James CavanaughDominican Student; Brother for Province of St. Albert the Great
“I find not many people I know on a personal level can relate to my story; however, I was surprised at how much community I was able to find online...Mary @takingbacktheterms and Emily @totalwhine_ have been a huge source of healing, solidarity, and hope for me. Both of these women together are powerhouses — as a team, they educate and empower women about their bodies and fertility. This is such a beautiful gift in a world where many women do not understand the gift of fertility – or even just the gift of body literacy. Learning about your body and what it’s designed to do can be overwhelming, but Mary and Emily are able to take on this challenge and make it understandable.“
LauraWife and Hopeful Mother after 5 Miscarriages
"As a single woman, I was putting off learning anything about NFP, FABM, charting etc. because I was thinking- “I don’t need all this yet!” But after following Emily for several months, I got curious and saw the benefit of learning it NOW, before I’m married! I had NO idea where to start, and I sent Emily soooooo many questions which she graciously answered by message or voice note. She kept everything real and encouraged me to figure out which method would be best for me and my circumstances. I’ve now been charting for a handful of months and have been consistent with it for two months. It’s honestly such a relief to have a handle on all this so I can go into marriage with more confidence about my cycle. And I’m thinking my future husband will be grateful too!!"
Nicole Maarja
“Mary is one of my heroes!! Since we met, I have been inspired by her enthusiasm as a promoter of authentic healthcare for women through her work at “Taking Back the Terms” where she uses social media to share the good news of fertility awareness in new and beautiful ways. But more recently, in the midst of her own painful journey with infertility and endometriosis, she answered the call to serve women and couples by becoming a Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner. She is a wonderful partner in the field of women’s health care and I am honored to call her my friend and collaborator in this work!!”
Susan Caldwell, MD, CFCMC