Sydni’s User Questionnaire

Current Method: Marquette and Creighton Model

  • I'm from south Louisiana. My husband (Bailey) and I got married in November 2020 (pandemic wedding woohoo!!). I graduated in Accounting and work for a CPA firm. I love being outdoors whether it's walking, swimming, or just sitting outside on my patio with a glass of wine/craft beer! I also really love to travel for long weekend getaways with friends at the lake.
  • Fertility awareness has definitely strengthened our relationship. My husband and were together for 9 years when we got married, and it has helped us grow with each other in communication and love and respect for each other. We are both very involved in charting and he has been so supportive! He helps me chart every night!
  • Whole Mission - $175 for intro session. $75 for follow up after 1 year. We have our first meeting next week, so I don't know much about it yet. But wanted to include that we are using two different methods at once right now.
  • Mary recommended for us to look into Marquette since we were having trouble with Creighton for NFP purposes. We decided to started using Marquette along with Creighton. We're planning to use Creighton for health and Marquette for NFP.
  • I contacted my local Creighton instructor (Lisa Morvant) who did not have any openings and she sent me Mary Bruno's contact information. First session was a quick intro for $50. Then $50 for follow up sessions after that. We've done several follow ups, and we're so happy that we have!!
  • Chart end of day every day 15 min before going to sleep. Been charting about 6 months tracking mucus only. Charting has been easy to remember and I got into the habit of it very quickly. It's been really helpful in finding any potential health issues, but it has been difficult emotionally/sexually. We haven't had as many useable days as we'd like since we are trying to avoid right now. Luckily my husband is the freaking best and is so supportive.
  • I really didn't know much about it at all at first. I kind of just picked a method blindly to be honest. I contact my local diocese for options and picked one. I'm really happy I picked Creighton first though because I had no idea I had any health concerns. Only thing I don't like about it is that it's been difficult with not having as many useable days as we'd like which has been difficult but has also made our relationship stronger. It's really been a team effort because it has to be. Fertility awareness wouldn't work if not!
  • Mary suggested we meet with a NaPro doctor. We're still in the process of identifying and treating, but I found out I had shorter luteal phase and premenstrual unusual bleeding which can be signs of low progesterone.

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Emoji Key For User Profiles:

Sympto-thermal method🌡

Mucus-only method👌🏻

Sympto-hormonal method📈

Used when Married 👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏽 

Learned when Engaged 💍

Used when single 🧍‍♀️

Has kid(s) 🚸

Miscarriage 👼🏻

Use a method for health reasons 🥼

Previously used hormonal birth control 💊

Infertility 🌷

Religious ⛪ or Secular ✨

Liability Release: We do not censor our user profiles nor do we fact check them. We believe this is the most effective way to show what happens when science intersects with real life.  This means that some profiles may describe misapplications of method protocols or cases of improper instruction. Consequently, these profiles should never be used to either learn a method or self-diagnose a medical issue. They simply describe an experience that could help guide method choice. While we maintain other areas of our website with information and direction for where to find accurate medical and method-specific information, all questions regarding method protocols or health concerns should be addressed with your instructor and care provider.

Liability Release: We do not censor our user profiles nor do we fact check them. We believe this is the most effective way to show what happens when science intersects with real life.  This means that some profiles may describe misapplications of method protocols or cases of improper instruction. Consequently, these profiles should never be used to either learn a method or self-diagnose a medical issue. They simply describe an experience that could help guide method choice. While we maintain other areas of our website with information and direction for where to find accurate medical and method-specific information, all questions regarding method protocols or health concerns should be addressed with your instructor and care provider.