Sympto-Thermal Methods: Taking Charge of Your Fertility and Couple to Couple League
- Tell us a little about yourself.Deaf, primarily use American sign language for communication, love reading and writing, masters degree in counseling,
- What effects has fertility awareness had on your relationship?It's been a test of trust. It's been really hard and some moments I'm tempted to jump on the HBC bandwagon because it seems "safer". But this is what I feel called to.
- How did you find your instructor?Initially self taught. Then a friend who was instructed by couple to couple league helped me out
- Describe your daily charting routine.Been charting since July 2017, I track temps and mucus. I used to track cervix position but i stopped due to discomfort. It takes me about 10 mins through the day and very easy. It's positively affected my life overall. I love the data and science behind my charts. But relationally it's challenging sometimes. My husband refuses barrier methods and only is willing to pull out which goes against method rules. I feel pressured from protestant teachings to never deny my spouse while also feel convictions to currently avoid pregnancy. I havent figured out how to work out the fertile phase with my spouse and teachings about sex in our church (ie, my duty, his need).
- What made you choose this method?It's the only one I knew about. Easily accessible and doable. I like that it's easy and short. I dislike that any mucus in phase one is potentially fertile. No BIP. Postpartum is.. difficult
- Did you stop using this method? If so, why?I'm looking into switching to Marquette