Our Mission

Our mission is to provide practical resources to women and couples in an effort to minimize barriers to understanding their options of care related to their fertility and to find support in the practice. The organization is user-driven, improving and expanding offerings and resources as a result of direct engagement with those we serve. The founders of FAbM Base, guided by their own experiences, aim to meet ever-expanding needs through blogs, interviews, testimonies and events, fostering community and solidarity. FAbM Base seeks to establish the practical, scientific and communal foundation and continuing support necessary for those learning and practicing fertility awareness in all stages of life.

Our Vision

Our vision is for women and couples to be empowered to understand how their body works, their options of fertility awareness methods, to make fully informed choices that are best for them, and find solidarity in the journey to understand fertility and its changes through life. We aim to expand access to options beyond hormonal birth control and artificial reproductive technologies for planning families and treating hormonal and fertility issues. In this way, we embrace the worth and dignity of the whole person.

Our Values

We believe that the scientific information of fertility awareness and the community necessary for successful practice is valuable for every woman, no matter her faith or stage of fertility. We believe that science shows ovulation is a sign of health, and our resources aim to promote holistic care based on this evidence. We do not endorse or promote the use of hormonal contraception or artificial reproductive technology because we believe the science shows that these are not good for women. We welcome all to learn about their bodies and find the support they need through our extensive resource databases, the stories we share honestly and without our censorship, and our commitment to present factual information in this field. The founders of FAbM Base are faithful Catholics, and their faith serves as the foundation for this commitment. We feature conversations and content from those of different faiths and fertility awareness practices, however, we do not endorse or promote lifestyles or practices contrary to our deeply held beliefs. We aim to ensure that the content we provide serves to support our values, mission and vision.

Our Aesthetic

Our bold color scheme was chosen very intentionally to match our bold mission and represent precisely who we are. Orange and blue are complementary colors, which means they are opposite each other on the color wheel. This captures both the opposite fertility journeys and complementary personalities of the founders, Mary and Emily, and their passion for making fertility awareness accessible to all. Blue and orange (and yellow too) are also the most prominent colors in the sky both at sunrise and sunset, which represents that fertility awareness is valuable for all women between puberty (sunrise) and menopause (sunset).
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