Have you ever wondered,
“Why does the Catholic Church have so many rules about sex?”
Why no birth control? Why can’t they even use condoms? Why only NFP for spacing babies? Why is sex limited to married men and women only, and even then still has rules? Why no artificial reproductive technology, even for married couples? Isn’t this just oppressive? It isn’t biblical or even reasonable!
Well, to be honest, both Mary and Emily have asked these questions more than once – and they’re cradle Catholics themselves!
There are two things to consider when talking about what the Church teaches – what she actually teaches and what we think she teaches. It can be very confusing.
Here in the Catholic Corner, we will share Church documents, resources, conversations, blogs and much more to explore all these issues regarding Catholic sexual teaching. You can also find other Catholic content from our website by looking for the *CC symbol.
Fertility awareness and sexual health applies to all people regardless of faith practice. Many seek the support and understanding of the theology behind some aspects of the practice, but we also recognize that many others are purely here for the science. And that’s okay because all are welcome here! We invite anyone who is curious – Catholic or not – to use this page. We hope it will be informative and educational, and perhaps even spark some of your own questioning and discovery.
What the Church Actually Teaches
Church Documents
- Casti Connubii (On Christian Marriage)
- Humanae Vitae (On Human Life)
- Gaudium et Spes (On the Church in the Modern World)
- Mulieris Dignitatem (The Dignity of Women)
- Familiaris Consortio (The Fellowship of the Family)
- Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life)
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
Pope St. John Paul II
Organizations and People
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
St. Philip Institute
Matt Fradd
Christopher West
Dr. Gregory Popcak
Expanding the Conversation
“Uncharted Territory”, blog
Margaret Sanger, John Paul II, Sex, and Human Freedom with Sarah Denny, podcast episode
More coming soon!
Further Resources
Catholic teaching embraces the whole person, and there are many issues tangential to Catholic sexual theology that you may need further help with or greater exploration. Our main resources page has links to various therapies (psychological, physical and pelvic floor) that may assist you in your journey of healing and self discovery, and the practice of fertility awareness.