Instructor database

So you’ve picked your method and you’re ready to get started. Now it’s time to find an instructor! This page is a great starting point. 

Before you begin your search, we want to share a few tips and notes. 

Instructors meet you in a vulnerable space, and a good instructor treats this relationship with dignity and respect. They should never judge, belittle, challenge or encourage you to act contrary to your deeply held beliefs*. Nor should they impose consequences (ie deny support, challenge or question) based on you and your partner’s family planning decisions. 

If you find that you are not properly supported or are having trouble learning the method after a few sessions, these could be signs to find a new instructor. Instructors are there to empower you and guide you in your charting, and you should feel comfortable with and supported by them. 

Now you have some guidelines. Here you will find links to various databases of instructors, some compiled by individual methods and some that include instructors of all methods and backgrounds. Happy hunting!

**If you are an instructor who is interested in being included in any of these databases, please contact these organizations directly. We do not have control over their databases. Thank you!

The clinicians we support unequivocally follow all the Ethical and Religious Directives of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the ethical policy statements of the Catholic Medical Association.” In addition to connecting women with doctors, this website also lists instructors from various methods.


Catholic Women & Couples NFP [CWCNFP] is a lay-Catholic organization which teaches, without charge, Fertility Awareness and Natural Family Planning [NFP] to Adult Catholic Women and Catholic Couples.

Read Your Body**

A popular app that can be customized for any method you choose. The creators of this app have also developed an international and searchable  database to assist users in finding an instructor. Your search can be customized to view all educators or only those who teach certain methods, or even those who are in alignment with Catholic values.


*The Catholic Church does not permit the moral use of any contraceptive measure (chemical, surgical or barrier) for the purposes of preventing pregnancy, nor the willful termination of a pregnancy (abortion), nor the use of artificial reproductive technologies (IVF) to achieve pregnancy. 

**This list includes instructors of all backgrounds and methods. Some instructors do not teach in alignment with Catholic Church teaching. For resources to learn more on Church teaching, click over to the Catholic Corner.

FAbM Base is committed to making fertility awareness accessible. In an effort to best serve women, we have included many official lists that simplify the complicated process of finding the right instructor. However, we do not endorse or vouch for the views or practices of each individual instructor included in these lists. We reserve the right to amend this list at any time.

Haven’t found your method yet? Start here.

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