Kathryn B’s User Questionnaire

Mucus-Only Method: Creighton Model

  • I'm a PhD student in biochemistry, currently single (but not ready to mingle lol). I have PCOS and my family has a history of it. I am passionate about educating women on FAbM, especially as it can be applied to medical practice/health concerns.
  • My instructor was a referral from my initial instructor. She charges $50/session, but I only see her twice a year. I have been working with her for a little over a year and a half.
  • I have been charting for 2 years. I chart my cervical mucus as well as any bodily signs I know to be associated with when I ovulate (breast tenderness, armpits hurting, arousal, etc). Being single, it doesn't really affect my relationships with anyone very much. For the most part I like knowing where I am because it helps me provide a biological framework for mentally and emotionally where I'm at in a given point of time. It can be still draining at times, because my cycles aren't super predictable, so I'm always having to interpret as I go. Not knowing if/when I've ovulated exactly until a week later can be disheartening, because I would really love to have a "normal" or predictable cycle.
  • I like the way Creighton uses biomarkers. It's the most detailed method and I've found the details helpful in piecing apart my cycle information to understand what's going on. Another method I find interesting is Marquette, but the hormones it tests can be problematic for women with a PCOS diagnosis, so I think Creighton is the right way to go for me.
  • Charting has been really helpful in seeing what's going on with my cycle. I can now tell when my body is making ovulation attempts as opposed to when it's really ovulating, and charting has also helped me identify other signs associated with ovulation/my period which is useful for me to know.

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Emoji Key For User Profiles:

Sympto-thermal method🌡

Mucus-only method👌🏻

Sympto-hormonal method📈

Used when Married 👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏽 

Learned when Engaged 💍

Used when single 🧍‍♀️

Has kid(s) 🚸

Miscarriage 👼🏻

Use a method for health reasons 🥼

Previously used hormonal birth control 💊

Infertility 🌷

Religious ⛪ or Secular ✨

Liability Release: We do not censor our user profiles nor do we fact check them. We believe this is the most effective way to show what happens when science intersects with real life.  This means that some profiles may describe misapplications of method protocols or cases of improper instruction. Consequently, these profiles should never be used to either learn a method or self-diagnose a medical issue. They simply describe an experience that could help guide method choice. While we maintain other areas of our website with information and direction for where to find accurate medical and method-specific information, all questions regarding method protocols or health concerns should be addressed with your instructor and care provider.

Liability Release: We do not censor our user profiles nor do we fact check them. We believe this is the most effective way to show what happens when science intersects with real life.  This means that some profiles may describe misapplications of method protocols or cases of improper instruction. Consequently, these profiles should never be used to either learn a method or self-diagnose a medical issue. They simply describe an experience that could help guide method choice. While we maintain other areas of our website with information and direction for where to find accurate medical and method-specific information, all questions regarding method protocols or health concerns should be addressed with your instructor and care provider.