Rebecca S’s User Questionnaire

Current Method: Boston Cross Check
Previous Method: Creighton Model
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  • Well I seem to have become an NFP oversharer during the last year or so- lol. I am a doer, I am not good at being quiet. I enjoy reading, quilting, taking pictures and scrapbooking. I am currently a Kindergarten E L teacher in Nashville, Tn. Have been married for 20 years and and 1 child a 15 year old boy. I am work with our priest organizing and NFP support ministry at our parish and will begin training as a Boston Cross Check instructor in September. Being 100% honest though when we started this journey NFP almost broke me and my faith. We have come a long way! ❀️
  • First it was a huge test- and a spotlight. It really highlighted some struggles for us and brought out our lack of communication and how I really let him take the lead and felt like I couldn’t really say no to him- it was my wifely duty. Please don’t think he was a bad person- I didn’t ever communicate this to him and he thought I was happily skipping down this road with him. My health finally got to a long that sex was painful and I trudged on (still didn’t tell him- just sucked up) got out on HBC again after a uterine biopsy. It made me feel crazy. Started working with a functional NP, she helped me see that that wasn’t really helping and increased my odds of cardiac events (already have some risk factors there) so when I decided 7 month into HBC that I was getting off this was our only licit option. We have come a long way. I have done pelvic floor PT. It’s not painful anymore. My cycles are better, we are finally to the pint we BOTH feel good about our charts and I finally got passed the feeling used/must be available stuff. It was a hard road with a steep learning curve after our late start but we are chugging along fine now! Oh sharing- we paper chart on our bedside table, he is sometimes asked to lay out monitor or LH strips, if someone wants to give the other a heads up for if they are feeling amorous we have a special pillow to toss on the bed. 😊
  • On the BCC website. It was $200 or $250. I don’t remember exactly...
  • I do mucus, monitor (just did LH strips starting out) and temperature. I have been doing temp for 1.5 years, mucus just over a year and hormone just under a year. Been doing BCC for 11 months. I love this charting, the exactness of mucus is not as bad as it was with my first method and I have cross checks to sooth my anxious heart. Using non subjective pieces like urine tests and the thermometer sure help me not feel like it is all on me or that I messed up if something unplanned should happen. Charting gives me more insight into my health so I think physically it helps, and where we are now, well NOW mentally it has me in a good place, not so much at the beginning.
  • Cross checks! BCC helps me to feel confident in knowing what my body is doing. Finding and switching to this method was a game changer in being able to do this long term and still feel connected with my spouse. My doctor was β€œit would be detrimental for you to get pregnant now” when we started and so that was a lot of pressure to not mess up. I was very unsure of mucus only observations starting out so there were months with almost zero availability ( like one month 1 prepeak day we were scared to use and one post peak day and that was it)
  • Yep. I now know that the day my husband irritates me by breathing near me is the day my progesterone takes a big drop. I know when my period is going to start- even though it isn’t the exact same number of days every month. I also now know some things to be watching for as I head towards the age menopause may be ramping up. And best of all- I learned what was causing the pain and got help!
  • I didn’t feel confident enough in my mucus only observations and we were having very little availability some months, and we didn’t feel confident enough to use all the supposedly available days. The transition was amazing. I felt like I could confirm my observations and not be super scared of a double peak. It also really helped our availability for times together. My hubby works early and weekend mornings often work best for us. The first method kept being...end of day, well by the time I get the house settled for the night, do end of day checks etc he is passed out/exhausted. Mornings were NOT an option based on method rules. Getting more flexibility into available times and more confidence in what was going on in my body made everything better! ❀️
  • The first one (terrible fit and also not following the scheduling rules) through our Diocese. The second one through the initial instructor reaching out to help me find a better fit. It was either $200-$250, included the whole first year and we got extra follow ups that she didn’t charge for because I struggled with this method.
  • I still chart this was for my NaPro doctor (yes I run two chars like a crazy lady). I have been charting this way for 15 months- I think 18 cycles. Tracked mucus only. This method gave me so much anxiety. 1- because of the subjectivity, 2- some of the meds/supplements my doctor had me on could effect the mucus- and did make me drier, 3- my nervous and indecisive nature hit a major anxiety level with this one, I didn’t trust myself or my body enough Relational we both felt confused, scared to touch each other, fought about NFP, we did have more conversations and more open conversations but this period was SUPER HARD and ultimately it just didn’t work for us for family planning. Again, I still chart this for my NaPro doctor who is amazing and he has been able to tell me that if we switch to TTC I need to let him know because there are somethings we need to do to help us be more successful so I am greatly for the info but we struggled as a seriously TTA couple using this method.
  • I chose this one because it was the only one 2 priests in our diocese knew to tell me about, and was the only method and teacher on the diocesan website at the time.
  • Yes! I see a NaPro doctor and he has been a lifesaver. I also know that if we switch to TTC we will need some support. I wouldn’t have known that without this method.
  • So we kinda stopped. I still do a Creighton chart for my NaPro doctor...but I am not terrified if I miss an observation, or only check after I pee. We use another method for our family planning now.

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Sympto-thermal method🌑

Mucus-only methodπŸ‘ŒπŸ»

Sympto-hormonal methodπŸ“ˆ

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Liability Release: We do not censor our user profiles nor do we fact check them. We believe this is the most effective way to show what happens when science intersects with real life.Β  This means that some profiles may describe misapplications of method protocols or cases of improper instruction. Consequently, these profiles should never be used to either learn a method or self-diagnose a medical issue. They simply describe an experience that could help guide method choice. While we maintain other areas of our website with information and direction for where to find accurate medical and method-specific information, all questions regarding method protocols or health concerns should be addressed with your instructor and care provider.