Hannah H’s User Questionnaire

Mucus-Only Method: Creighton Model

  • For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a mother. Back in college, as an RA, the girls in my dorm would call me mom. I studied education because I was very interested in working with kids. When I finally became a teacher, I absolutely loved it, but also found myself pining to stay at home with children of my own. My husband and I started dating after my first year of teaching and we became serious pretty quickly. We both knew we wanted lots of children and were completely opposed to hormonal birth control because we knew it could serve as an abortifacient, so when we got married, we began praying for babies right away. I did some basic Symptothermal charting without an instructor like I had done even back when I was single to just know when my period was coming, but after a year with charts that looked normal to me, we still hadn’t conceived. We sought out the help of an OBGYN, and though she was helpful, I didn’t feel like her work was entirely thorough or that I could completely trust her. Finally, I decided to seek out a second opinion from a NaPro doctor. I have never felt so listened to and cared for. We have also started Creighton with an instructor and we love her. They all seem hopeful that our chances to conceive are good! My only regret is that we didn’t start all this sooner!
  • After struggling with infertility for almost two years, learning a fertility awareness method actually with an instructor has been so good for us. Now that my husband knows more about my cycle, he’s eager to help with charting and interested in how it all works!
  • I reached out to an instructor a friend had recommended, and she referred me to another instructor who was taking virtual clients. She charged us $350 for the all in package which includes our follow ups.
  • We’ve only been charting Creighton for a few months. We track my cervical mucus. The first month it added an extra layer of stress as I struggled to make decisions about my evaluations, but now it’s getting much easier.
  • We chose Creighton because we knew it would be the biggest help in dealing with our infertility. I love that my NaPro doctor can read my charts. I don’t love that it can sometimes be difficult to decide what type of mucus I’m having.
  • Yes! I will be starting progesterone this month because my NaPro doctor discovered I didn’t have enough. Also, I have continuous mucus cycles which my NaPro doc was able to confirm would happen based on my anatomy.
  • I never officially used another method, but I tracked my temperature prior to Creighton with TempDrop. I actually still wear it every night out of habit and I find it helpful to know when I’ve already ovulated because of my continuous mucus cycles.

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Emoji Key For User Profiles:

Sympto-thermal method🌡

Mucus-only method👌🏻

Sympto-hormonal method📈

Used when Married 👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏽 

Learned when Engaged 💍

Used when single 🧍‍♀️

Has kid(s) 🚸

Miscarriage 👼🏻

Use a method for health reasons 🥼

Previously used hormonal birth control 💊

Infertility 🌷

Religious ⛪ or Secular ✨

Liability Release: We do not censor our user profiles nor do we fact check them. We believe this is the most effective way to show what happens when science intersects with real life.  This means that some profiles may describe misapplications of method protocols or cases of improper instruction. Consequently, these profiles should never be used to either learn a method or self-diagnose a medical issue. They simply describe an experience that could help guide method choice. While we maintain other areas of our website with information and direction for where to find accurate medical and method-specific information, all questions regarding method protocols or health concerns should be addressed with your instructor and care provider.

Liability Release: We do not censor our user profiles nor do we fact check them. We believe this is the most effective way to show what happens when science intersects with real life.  This means that some profiles may describe misapplications of method protocols or cases of improper instruction. Consequently, these profiles should never be used to either learn a method or self-diagnose a medical issue. They simply describe an experience that could help guide method choice. While we maintain other areas of our website with information and direction for where to find accurate medical and method-specific information, all questions regarding method protocols or health concerns should be addressed with your instructor and care provider.