Welcome to the User Database!

If youโ€™re trying to figure out which method will fit your needs and personality best, youโ€™re in the right place. Each method is unique just like each individual woman and couple. The same method that is a great fit for one person may not be a good fit for another. And thatโ€™s not a bad thing! But it doesnโ€™t necessarily make a decision easy for you.ย ย 

Well, thatโ€™s precisely why we compiled our User Database!

This is a database of stories from real women, unfiltered and uncut, raw and honest, giving you the opportunity to see what different methods look like in real life. In our database, youโ€™ll find all kinds of different women:

  • Someone whoโ€™s single or dating and just wanting to get her feet wet. Someone in perimenopause or postpartum and needing help during a wonky period of fertility.ย 
  • Someone whoโ€™s coming off birth control. Someone who had a surprise baby or two. Someone trying to identify the root cause of infertility. Someone whoโ€™s suffered miscarriage.
  • Someone who used their charts to talk to their doctors about other health issues. Someone who wants ALL the data and someone who just needs things cut and dry.ย 
  • And on and on.

Chances are that you have something in common with them, and that is just the kind of information you need to choose the best method for you!ย 

Before you begin, we would like to note that we have not edited any of these profiles for content, nor have we fact checked them. We believe that it is important to provide you with real life perspectives and donโ€™t want to censor individual experiences. Consequently, when you read these stories, understand that these are raw, individual experiences, and the information shared about methods or medical practice may not be officially accurate and are likely to vary from woman to woman.ย ย 

We hope this resource helps you find the best method for the one and only unique YOU.

happy hunting!

– Emily & Mary

Youโ€™ll find a variety of options listed alphabetically in our checkbox filter down below. Hereโ€™s how to use this feature:

  1. Check one or more of the boxes next to the option(s) that fit you best.
  2. Results are automatically displayed!

These categories are designed to help filter the user profiles that are most like you!

*On each individual profile, you’ll notice an array of adorable emojis giving you a quick-take description of each person. Click the question mark to find the emoji key. If you’re on a desktop and don’t see the key, try your cell phone.

    • Single (put even if youโ€™re dating)
    • Engaged
    • Married
  • (can put more than one)ย 
    • Postpartum breastfeeding
    • Postpartum not breastfeeding
    • Pre-Menopause (over 40 years of age)
    • Post-hormonal birth control (within 1 year)ย 
    • Infertility (primary or secondary)
    • Regular cycles (21-42 days long)
    • Long/ Irregular cycles (over 42 days)
    • Post-miscarriage (within 3 months)
    • Post-abortive (within 3 months)
  • (can put more than one)ย 
    • PCOS
    • Endometriosis
    • Chronic illness
    • Thyroid dysfunction
    • Diabetes
    • Autoimmune disorder
    • TTA (try to avoid)
    • TTC (try to conceive)
    • Not sexually active
    • Not actively trying to avoid or conceive
    • NFP/ FABM (abstinence only during fertile periods)
    • FAM (non-hormonal contraceptive measures used during fertile periods)
    • Breastfeeding only (lactational amenorrhea method/ ecological breastfeeding)
  • (can put more than one category, do not put individual method names)ย 
    • Sympto-hormonal (Marquette, Boston Cross Check, FEMM)
    • Sympto-thermal (Sensiplan, SymptoPro, Couple to Couple League, NFPTA, Justisse, TCOYF)
    • Mucus-only (Creighton and Billings)
Generic filters

Kristy’s User Questionnaire


Elissa M’s User Questionnaire


Need some examples?

  1. Emily is a mom of two surprise babies, is no longer breastfeeding, and needs to avoid a pregnancy for a bit. Her cycles are usually around 35 days long. Sheโ€™s married and is interested in using charting to help treat her low functioning thyroid. Her husband isnโ€™t interested in charting and her schedule with her toddlers is hectic, so she needs something simple, but that could give her options for cross checks as needed. Sheโ€™s a practicing Catholic, and her faith is an important part of her life.

    Emily would check: Married, Regular cycles, TTA, thyroid dysfunction, NFP/FABM, Catholic, Sympto-hormonal

  2. Mary is dating and has extremely painful, heavy periods that interfere with her life. She doesnโ€™t want to use birth control, so she needs a method with a strong medical component to help her diagnose and treat the root cause of her symptoms. Sheโ€™s a practicing Catholic, and her faith is an important part of her life.

    Mary could check: Single, endometriosis, not sexually active, Catholic

Want to share your experience?

Fill out your user questionnaire!

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Emoji Key For User Profiles:

Sympto-thermal method๐ŸŒก

Mucus-only method๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

Sympto-hormonal method๐Ÿ“ˆ

Used when Married ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿพโ€๐Ÿคโ€๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฝย 

Learned when Engaged ๐Ÿ’

Used when single ๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธ

Has kid(s) ๐Ÿšธ

Miscarriage ๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿป

Use a method for health reasons ๐Ÿฅผ

Previously used hormonal birth control ๐Ÿ’Š

Infertility ๐ŸŒท

Religious โ›ช or Secular โœจ

Liability Release: We do not censor our user profiles nor do we fact check them. We believe this is the most effective way to show what happens when science intersects with real life.ย  This means that some profiles may describe misapplications of method protocols or cases of improper instruction. Consequently, these profiles should never be used to either learn a method or self-diagnose a medical issue. They simply describe an experience that could help guide method choice. While we maintain other areas of our website with information and direction for where to find accurate medical and method-specific information, all questions regarding method protocols or health concerns should be addressed with your instructor and care provider.